There’s no doubt that prescription prices are rising. But what if the monthly prescription cost is more than your annual salary?
That’s the dilemma facing many people even if they do have employer-paid healthcare premiums. According to a new report by Sun Life, the percentage of people with million dollar health care costs has risen 90% from 2014 to 2017, with part of that increase being fueled by increased prescription drug costs. Patients with cancer and blood disorders have the highest prescription drug costs with injectable drugs costing the most. According to the report, it is common to see a single prescription cost over $80,000.
One option is to purchase drugs from outside of the US. A 2016 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates that 8% of their respondents – up to 19 million Americans – have purchased drugs internationally.
Another study showed that prescription drug prices in the US are significantly higher than in foreign countries. A global study of Europe, Japan, and Australia showed that drug prices on average are typically 56% less in these countries than in the US. The question is: how can average US citizens more easily access these discounted prices?
Fortunately, there is an innovative program that assists Americans in getting the brand name drugs they need, safely, at a lower price. EVHCCRX, a prescription mail order company, offers substantial savings opportunities for common prescription drugs. EVHCCRX partners with government-licensed local pharmacies in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia – Tier 1 countries as designated by Congress – to obtain high quality, brand name, prescription medications.
All medications are packaged by the manufacturer, distributed by government-regulated wholesalers, prescribed by practicing physicians, labeled and dispensed by licensed local pharmacists and delivered directly to the patient. In addition, EVHCCRX professionals regularly inspect all licensed pharmacies to ensure that safety standards and regulations are met.
In short, participants no longer must play the high-stakes game of using questionable internet pharmacies or incurring potential scrutiny at border crossings to spend less on their routine drug refills.
Currently, more than 300 of the most commonly prescribed brand-name drugs are included in the EVHCCRX program. These are maintenance medicines people take for long-term conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, heartburn, arthritis, diabetes, and others.
How can you make the best use of this program? For ongoing maintenance of chronic conditions, EVHCCRX offers a cost-saving alternative to your local pharmacy. However, some medications are not included, such as antibiotics, narcotics, lifestyle drugs, and generic drugs which are best overseen by your private physician.
EVHCCRX brings program participants brand-name prescription drugs at affordable prices and participants pay a significantly lower price and have a zero-copay.
Not only do your employees save money, but participating employers may spend less on their healthcare plan. EVHCCRX offers an innovative approach to customizing comprehensive, cost-effective benefits for your staff.
Ready to learn more? Contact EVHC (or your Broker) to understand how EVHCCRX International can lower your health costs and support your valued employees.